Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My friend Dave's a private pilot now

Right before my lesson on Monday I drove over to the Hillsboro Airport because my friend Dave was already in the air and about to finish his practical exam flight with the FAA examiner. He was originally supposed to fly on Sunday, but the winds were too high, so they got the oral portion of the exam out of the way and rescheduled the flight portion for Monday.

I got there and found Dave's dad, Will, was also waiting. He and I hung out on the ramp for a few minutes and caught up on things, and then Dave returned with the airplane.

I'm really proud of him. He's a good guy and has worked hard for this. It's been his dream forever. Now he can go on to the professional pilot phases of the training. Congrats Dave!

1 comment:

  1. That rules man!!!!! Like I said before, thank you for always having faith in me and supporting me in so many ways, I couldn't have done it with out you man. -Dave
